Sunday, July 29, 2007

Josh's 10th Birthday!!!!


Turning 10 is a big achievement so were else to go than somewhere big. Sydneys centrepoint tower with his friend Liam. Your probably wondering why Myself or Gabbi aren't in the photo. Well I took the photo whilst mum was waiting downstairs as she doesn't do heights..... We had a great time once we go to the top and looked over the whole of Sydney and even go to see Liam's house as well as other famous landmarks whilst the sun was setting.

Once back down to street level we went on the sydney tower ride and somehow they had given us an extra ticket so Gabbi could come along too. The boys had a great afternoonn, followed by hungry jacks which we had to force ourselves not to have and then back home for a sleepover. The party continued into the next day with Josh's grandparents, Auntie Maree, Uncle David, Margie and Holly coming over for more presents and cake.

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